About our logo

Swinburne Linux Club

In 1996, a competition was held on the Linux Kernel Mailing List, to design an unofficial logo for the Linux kernel. The winner was Tux the penguin. Given that Tux is widely recognised among Linux users, we (the Swinburne Linux Club) decided to use it as our logo as well.

Tux was originally designed by Larry Ewing, using the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). Larry Ewing released his work under the following license:

Permission to use and/or modify this image is granted provided you acknowledge me lewing@isc.tamu.edu and The GIMP if someone asks.

As Ewing's original image was in a raster format, it was difficult to scale up. As such, Simon Budig and Garett LeSage converted it to a Scalable Vector Graphic, allowing the image to be resized without any pixelation, blur or loss of quality. Garett LeSage has assigned his copyright to the public domain, while Simon Budig's license can be found at http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/penguin/README.
