Swinburne Student Life Clubs - COVID19 Update
Club Events- Postponed
As you are well aware, the current situation with COVID19 is rapidly evolving and affecting the way we operate during this uncertain time. We remain committed to you, our students and your safety at this time, and therefore, in-line with current advice from the Vice Chancellor and health authorities, all club events and meetings will need to be postponed or cancelled until further notice in order to limit the potential spread of the virus. We will remain open to assist during this period and encourage club committees to share ideas and methods of how to continue club activities online, helping to continue engaging with your members during this time.
This is a difficult time for us all and we greatly appreciate your understanding in this situation, we want to let you know that we are committed to all Student Life Clubs as well as the health and wellbeing of all those engaged with our programs. We will keep communication lines open at all times and will make use of Canvas to share updates as they come to hand. While there’s a lot to get involved in on campus this semester, it’s important to stay informed on the risks of coronavirus, and how to keep yourself, your mates and your community safe. You can stay in the loop with updates on the situation and our response by regularly checking the Swinburne News article or visiting our student frequently asked questions (FAQs) page
Social Distancing
Swinburne has taken the measure of cancelling or postponing all gatherings and events during this time and have also provided advice on social distancing. Unfortunately, this includes Swinburne club events and we urge all club leaders to follow the advice coming out from University leadership. Here are some public health recommendations to limit the transmission of illness:
• Stay at home if you are unwell and if you have any concerns about your health, contact your medical practitioner.
• Wash your hands regularly and cough into your elbow or a disposable tissue.
• Support each other to practice social distancing. Aim to stay 1.5 metres from other people, do not shake hands and avoid gatherings in enclosed spaces.
• Avoid physical meetings and use virtual/online platforms for events and meetings
Club Hub and Online Activity
The Club Hub at 18 George Street will also be closed for drop-in hours over the coming weeks as we assess the situation. We will arrange an online equivalent for club drop-ins as of Tuesday the 24th of March and can also arrange phone calls to clubs if need be. We appreciate your understanding of this measure.
During this time, we encourage all clubs to think of ways they can engage with their members online during this period of limited social gatherings. We encourage clubs to continue to lodge 'Online Events' and initiatives through the Club Portal, including regular meetings and conversation, using online platforms such as:
o Discord - Chatting app for gaming social networks
o Club Social Platforms- Facebook, Instagram etc.
o Zoom – Platform for large groups and webinars
We will place a guide on the Clubs resources page soon to assist but also encourage clubs to share ideas and platforms with the Student Life Clubs team, and each other, to ensure we stay connected and can continue to offer the great social connection of our club community via online avenues.
Once again, thank you to all clubs for your understanding. This is a difficult time for all of us and the safety of our students is the number one priority. Please let us know if you have any questions or require assistance.
Kind regards
C&S Team