Politically Speaking

Politically Speaking is a club for anyone who loves discussing politics to meet & engage with students across the political spectrum. The aim is to provide a space for respectful, productive discussions on various political issues.

We host an event every Wednesday of semester - discussions, pub politics, as well as the occasional debate & movie/game night - and with COVID-19 restrictions we've been running everything online via our Politically Speaking [discord][1] - you'll also find our semester schedule on there :) Come discuss political topics of interest, participate in small debates and meet others interested in politics (and related fields: business, philosophy, science, environment and sociology). It would be great to problem-solve together about the best ways to approach issues facing governments today. Check out our [Facebook page][2]! Have any questions? Click the '[Contact Us][3]' button to send us an email or shoot us a message on Facebook! politicallyspeaking@outlook.com [1]: https://discord.gg/G3gkSGf [2]: https://www.facebook.com/politicallyspeaking.swin/ [3]: mailto:%20politicallyspeaking@outlook.com
