Notice is hereby given that the Inaugural General Meting and First Sing of the Swinburne Uni Singing Club will be held on Wednesday 15th March 2017 at the Union Bar, Level 3, UN Building, from 11:30am to 12:30pm.
Business will include
Club Name
Possible club names include
Swinburne Uni Singing Club
Swinburne Uni Choral Society
Swin Vocals
Swinburne Uni Singers
Swinburne Glee Club (aaargh!)
and since there are no other unis in Hawthorn
Hawthorn Uni Singing Club
Hawthorn Uni Choral Society
Hawthorn Uni Singers
Hawthorn Glee Club (aaargh!)
plus any other ideas that come up
Elections need to cover President, Secretary, Treasurer and we can create any other positions we think we might need, e.g. should Webmaster be a separate position or part of another portfolio (e.g. Secretary).
Membership Fees
We need to decide whether we'll charge fees and, if so, how much.
We also need to appoint a Conductor (well, I can do that for now).
Associate Members
And we need to decide whether we'll accept non-students as Associate Members.
General Business
Any other matters.