Leadership Resources

Couldn't make it to one of the LEAD sessions? Well, you're in luck. Here's the perfect introduction to leadership at Swinburne. 

Below you'll find an ever-growing host of self-paced, expert-guided resources. Check out the videos, activities and assessments that help you learn about yourself as a leader. This is a quick and effective way to get started with leading. 

Don't forget to catch up on the past LEAD Workshops & Talks below too! 


  1. Essentialism, Greg McKeown (work smart, not hard, ask the right questions to drive for better results)

  2. So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Cal Newport (a guide to career/leadership founded on quality output and extensive advice on how to work more effectively)

  3. Deep Work, Cal Newport (a manual on how to work on the tough stuff more consistently and easily)

  4. Range, David Epstein (a book about the necessity of generalists and how to balance specific development with general skills)

  5. Good to Great, Jim Collins (a book about why some companies succeed and many fail, with broadly applicable ideas for sustainable success) 

  6. Energising Leadership, Nita Cherry (a book about how leading people is an act of directing and enabling people’s energy – really useful for people working in teams, collaborative spaces or with colleagues, available at the Swinburne Library)

  7.  Atomic Habits, James Clear (How to make small changes that will deliver big results).

  8. Great By Choice, Jim Collins (Why some companies achieve greatness and other’s don’t).

  9. The Self Aware Leader, John C. Maxwell (Self-aware leaders use their awareness of emotions and how they impact others, as a method to inspire, motivate and challenge followers.)

  10. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. John C. Maxwell (Different lenses for considering leadership and how to grow yourself as a leader.)

  11. What To Say When Talking To Yourself, Shad Helmstetter (Relying on yourself to optimize your outlook and focus).

  12. Dare To Lead, Brene Brown (When we dare to lead, we don't pretend to have the right answers; we stay curious and ask the right questions.)

  13. Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott (How to have direct, clear, win-win conversations.)


  1. https://www.calnewport.com/blog/ (covers topics as diverse as how to become a straight a student on easy street to what makes a meaningful life)

  2. https://www.calnewport.com/podcast/ (see above, but spoken)

  3. https://gregmckeown.com/podcast/ (interviews with people about how to work more on what matters the most, and cut the stuff that doesn’t)

  4. https://www.danpink.com/pinkcast/ (incredibly short (less than 5 minutes!) clips on specific topics around motivation, entrepreneurship)



  1. Sometimes not working is work too - an article about why rest is part of the work, not an escape

  2. Wellness industry lies what really works - what really works to be well (most wellness is bunk) – being a leader means looking after yourself

  3. Dear therapist career plan - it’s primarily about not confusing experience, insight and advice, a masterclass in communication

  4. Active listening - a guide to active listening, essential to underpinning effective work with others, listen first

  5. Dare to lead - (Conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and more than a few troublemakers who are innovating, creating, and daring to lead.)

  6. Simon Sinek

  7. Internal Locus Of Control

  8. Personality Test

    QUIZ: What kind of Leader are you? 


Making Groups Work

How to Lead when you're not a Leader

Advocating for yourself and your ideas

Emotional Intelligence

Taryn Cornell - Sustainability and Design

Mohammed Shana'a - Start ups and Engineering

Sandra Qian - Research and Policy

Michaela Epstein - Education and Leading Early in your Career

Alice Ridge - Policy and Non-Profit Leadership

Jack Railton-Woodcock - Leading Clients and Advertising

Dr. Laurence Berry - Wildlife and Conservation

Alumni Leadership Panel
