Swinburne Postgraduate Research Association

Connect with fellow postgraduate research and PhD students in social and professional events and monthly meetups!

Sometimes graduate study can be isolating. Yet, it need not be. Join us each month as we emerge from our research cubby-holes to: - learn from others during interactive skills development sessions - engage in social events where conversations don't involve words like 'epistemology' (unless of course you want them to), - help support each other in completing the postgraduate and PhD research journey. Let the fun begin! Use our [Facebook Page][1] to connect with fellow students and for enquiries. Join our [Facebook Group][2] and follow us on [Instagram!][3] Connect with us on [Discord][4]. Please email your Discord username using your Swinburne email account to [swinburne.pra@outlook.com][5] for verification. [1]: https://www.facebook.com/Swinburne-Postgraduate-Research-Association-108065197408821/ [2]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theswinburnephdclub/?fref=nf [3]: https://instagram.com/swinburne_research?utm_medium=copy_link [4]: https://discord.gg/S7uvKrxFkf [5]: mailto:swinburne.pra@outlook.com
